Hello! And Birding Game of Thrones (by ear).
To teach myself something new, I created a silly R Shiny app for logging auditory observations of birds singing in the background of my favorite show, Game of Thrones. I envisioned a fun distribution map, but quickly became overwhelmed with how many different bird species there are singing on the show (in certain locations). I don’t know most of them! I’m happy to have an excuse to rewatch GOT, and I love using my ears to learn and ID new birds. I don’t have much data yet, but if this interests you at all, please check out the app and contribute your observations!
I realized it would be easier to share the app if I had a personal website, so I pulled my site together in no time using Barry Clark’s wonderful Jekyll Now repository on GitHub. I’ll make things a little nicer around here as I get my bearings, and I hope to do a bit of blogging about my PhD research, R, and more.