
I am an ecologist broadly interested in methods that support landscape-scale monitoring and management of prioritized natural resources, particularly on public lands. I have developed methodology for acoustic monitoring of wildlife, including modeling approaches, hardware, and software tools, and have also done research on climate change adaptation planning.

Climate Change Adaptation Planning

The Refugia Research Coalition provides an overview of what climate change refugia are and how they are being used as a climate adaptation tool. You can also view a recent presentation on climate change refugia conservation that I gave at NACCB 2020.

Tools for Landscape-scale Remote Ecological Monitoring

As part of my PhD and postdoctoral research at the Vermont Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, we wrote an R package that supports remote monitoring of biodiversity in an adaptive framework (AMMonitor; available provisionally at

AMMonitor encompasses data management, automated detection of target species sounds using statistical learning algorithms, temporally adaptive audio sampling to maximize detection of focal species, a framework for dynamic occupancy modeling using acoustic data, and a systematic workflow for tracking progress toward management objectives.

Any views or opinions expressed on this website are my own and do not represent any of my affiliated institutions, employers, collaborators, or any U.S. federal agencies.